Coffee For The Grind
We stand for putting the extra 10% of work in. We know that is where the progress will happen. Our No Sleeping Coffee is brewed to ACT!VATE the late-night grinders and the early morning risers.
Roasted 1,900 meters above sea level to bring you a premium coffee experience.

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Have a bag or bags delivered every other week or month and take advantage of our discounted price for joining the club!

Free Reusable K-Cup with Purchase of 2 Bags or More!
Add the K-Cup to your cart and use discount code: freekcup

Family Operated
No Sleeping Coffee is a combined effort between Christian Knalo, Los Antonio & JR Jensen that was born from their inherent motivation to bring music and movement together. Christian and Los had been collaborating on live events and music projects for years. When it came time to the No Sleeping Running Club to produce a playlist soundtrack they had to look no further. Christian sparked the idea to tap into his family's roots who have been roasting coffee in the hills of Venecia, Columbia for generations. What better way to bring No Sleeping to the next level then with a catelyst for act!vations.
No Sleeping Coffee was born!